Saturday 5 April 2014

How to Lead a Spiritual Life?

There's a reason why man is known as the king of animals, man's innovation and creativity has no boundaries and man is granted with free will.

Let's take the smart witty ape as an example. They existed before the evolution of man so they're supposed to know more than we do, why don't we ask them what is their future or ideal plan in life, or what life would they ought to live; what do they plan to do in improving their lives;how does it feel like to be in love; what's the meaning of life; what thoughts would you have in foreseeing the future? The apes would only say, "All I want is sufficient food, a place to call home and someone that can reproduce my kind".

In the eyes of an ape, life is meant to be this way, this is because creatures with low spirituality don't posses the ability to create and decide. Let me share this story to show you the value of being a man.

There's a devoted believer who does nothing but pray, hoping that he would be sent to heaven one day after his death, because he heard of heaven as a paradise. One day he woke up to a beautiful paradise, so he thought to himself, it must be true as this is heaven!

He contemplated and recalled that in heaven, angels are at their services, in this heaven, angles would definitely appear. When he was thinking inside, an angle appeared, the angel asked, "May I help you?". He was overwhelmed and said: "I'm hungry!" The angel magically made him a succulent meal. Then he said, 'I'm thirsty". The angel immediately brought him some fresh juice. Later, he said, "I'm tired". The angel prepared him a comfy bed. The angel just accord to all his needs, he doesn't need to do a single thing, all he need was to open his mouth then the angel would be at his service.

After sometime, he felt bored; he summoned the angel and asked is there anything that he can do to kill time. The angel replied: "This is how we live here, there's no need for you to do a single thing as you can just summon me to do everything". He exclaimed: "What kind of meaningless life is this" The angel explained: "Sir, you're no longer in the moral world." The man said: "This is just like living life in hell, because this is so pointless and meaningless! And you call this heaven?"

The angel solemnly replied: "Who told you that this is heaven? You are right, this is hell!" The man only came to realize the real heaven is made of the ups and downs in life.

Did you realize that the situation that was described above is exactly like a life of a pig? Yet this is the ideal life of most people. It's time for you to wake up, don't be as foolish as a pig!

If there's no loss, there's also less happiness in life. If there's nothing to lose in life, what makes obtaining something so special? If one doesn't feel pain in life, what makes happiness so special? If unrequited love doesn't bring sadness, what brings you the pleasure and excitement when you're being loved whole-heartedly? If there's no death in life, what makes one to cherish the time they have and to live in the moment?

As a matter of fact, all living things never die. The human body is just like a car, when the spare parts wear out, you would buy a new one to replace. When one is reborn, one's memory would be temporarily wiped off; hence you would assume there's a difference between life and death.

Let me tell you, even birds know that death doesn't exist. When the birds are about to die, they would head back to their nest and wait for the time to come, because they know they're going to experience  a brand new life. This is like Buddhism teachings; people who have practiced great deeds are able to predict life and death, the great deeds that they have accumulated allow their natural instinct to connect with the nature. In fact, this instinct is possessed by most living things.

Initially, man possesses this instinct; however, the civilization of mankind caused reliance of man towards technology and materialism. What's even worse is the human desire; all of these weaken the instinct. Thus we are forever damned in the six cycles of realms as there's no chance for us to take a break resume to our soul.

One with high spirituality is more emotional. However, the emotions that God experience is different from the man. Because man's soul is adhered on a tool - physical body and the body itself has its very own characteristic. Why would I say so? This is because one who has a body man has various faces, they can be kind-hearted, sacrificing, forgiving, compassionate and loving yet at the same time they could also be greedy, possessive, doubtful, destructive jealous and fussy. On the other hand, God doesn't possess a body which brings the burden of sickness, the need of money to feed, to clothe, a house and to transport the body. God only needs spiritual food which brings satisfaction to the spirit.

It is possible to be like God, where you can throw away the physical body and freely enjoy the beauty of the universe, as long as you have experienced and been through all the obstacles in life you would be able to graduate from the man realm and advance to the God realm.

Truth to be told, our love is defective, we love someone in hope of the opposite party will do the same; we treat someone nice in hope of getting acknowledged; all the sacrifices that we have made are driven from our motives. There's nothing wrong by getting driven with motive as God is also doing the same to gain our acknowledgement. For God so loved the world, God also hopes for the same treatment, so what's the difference between us and the God? The main difference is when we couldn't meet God's requirements or when we no longer love and have lost faith in Him, God is the one wouldn't turn our back against us and he wouldn't regret the sacrifices that he has made. As we are man, because of our physical body, we would be aware of the gains and losses in life, hence this causes our love to be defective.

One fine day, if you can let go the fact of your children not being filial, the betrayal of your friends and spouse, the departure of your loved ones, the aging of your body, the deterioration of your health and various imperfection in life, congratulations! You needn't wait until your next life as you have already achieved the highest spirituality; you are indeed a living Buddha.

Because the physical body no longer stops you from realizing your true self as you've realized that the soul is the true self. The body's sign of life and your destiny are merely to lodge your soul for accomplishing your lifetime journey.

Did you realize that when we were deeply in love or before marriage, we're foolishly blinded by love, everything we see is perfect and your significant other would look extremely flawless to you. However when it passes the honeymoon phase, all of a sudden it seems like we have regained our sight, we can no longer see good as we can only see all the flaws in them.

This is because your soul was sent to be transformed, your significant other can't accord to all your needs as he/she is your soul transforming partner for you to learn how to embrace, trust, forgive, be patience and sacrifice for each other. Only through living and spending time with each other, you would be able to find the need to sacrifice for others and hence realizing true love. This is why it's easy to fall in love, but it's not easy to live a life with someone you love.

I have friends who are a couple, the husband is a foreigner and due to differences in culture, they always fought over trivial things. After marriage, they had a child and a house, due to the pressure of building a family, they fought even more. Since then the husband became a heavy drinker, it doesn't help the situation when it is a habit for eastern women to be long-winded, their relationship was severely affected. Once I found out that she was going through this rough period, I asked for her mailing address and sent her a letter.

This is the gist of the letter: "I don't think I would be much of a help, but all I can do is to share a saying that took me 38 years to realize refraining oneself in the moment leads to calming down, one step of concession may enable you a higher flight', I suppose this is a very familiar saying, but do you know the true meaning behind it?

Although it seems to be much easier to be said than done, this saying comprises all the 'truths' in life, it contains endurance, humility, loving, embracing, moreover, it is also inclusive of good deeds, blessings and karmas.

Why would I say so? If you can put this saying in to practice without the thoughts of "refraining or enduring", that would be the real 'truth' in life.

This saying can prove a perfect and happy life, because it can be applied to work, family and whenever and wherever there's a need of human interaction.

I know it sounds abstract, so let me put it in this way, I have told you that Buddha said, 'Everything is one, one is everything'.

This is to convey that every form is no other than emptiness and emptiness is no other than every form. It tells us to perceive things through soul with emptiness and return to our very true self.

Simply put, the saying of 'Everything is one; one is everything' can be applied to you in this particular manner - 'your everything is your family, your family is your everything'.

You left your family and your homeland in the very first place to marry him just because you love him. For now, he has to bear the whole family on his shoulder; you have to understand that he can't pour his problem at work when he's at home, as a wife you need to share the burden by taking good care of the family.

You probably might complaint about your husband for not understanding how difficult is to take care of the children and to keep the house clean. But you're wrong because the amount of burden that is needed to be bear on is totally different!

For example, the responsibilities of an employer and an employee are different. The employer doesn't only have to think of how to make profit, but he/she also has to be concern of the employees and also the family members of the employees. The relationship between the employer and the employees is exactly like a huge family! You and your husband are also precisely the same!

There's only one responsibility for the wife, which is to take good care of the household matters. Besides, it is also your responsibility to keep track of your husband's feelings. You have to be grateful because at least he didn't request you to head out for work.

Nowadays there are so many working women, after work they need to prepare food, take care of children and some even need to take care of their in-laws. All you need to do now is to serve your children and husband well, but if you can't even take the burden, may I know where did your initial burning of "love" go to?

On the contrary, you are forgiving and patient when your mischievous son misbehaves, breaks the furniture, spills the milk and scribbles the wall, you tirelessly teach him how to do right, why is this so?

You might say: "It's because he's my child and I love him!" It that's the case, don't tell me that you got married with your husband just because you needed someone, a child to love.

If that's so, why do you need to marry someone who is so far from your family and homeland? Why not try to sit down and keep calm for a moment, step back and unwind all the thoughts in your mind?

Let's seek from your heart; previously you used to be willing to sacrifice everything for him and also the love that you used to shower him with.

You can try to put some effort in showing your care by buying alcohol in advance and tell him: "Hubby, I know you're under great pressure, I know you're working hard for both the child and me, it is my fault for not being able to help you out. I'll bring you the alcohol, you can have some to de-stress yourself, but don't take too much as it is not good for the body, we are very concern of your health. Do you know you're very important to us? We can't live without you."

I believe when you treat him sincerely in this way, sooner or later, he'd be able to pull himself together and regain his love towards the family.

why can't you use the love that you showered upon your child to the one that you have always loved? He is also as important as your child!

Why not endure for a moment, retract a step, calm down and seek for the one true self in you?

Why let the desires in life consume your true self that used to be so pure? Why let the monster in you destroy your beautiful family and your beautiful life? Why let yourself live in hell even you're living in the world?

In reality, most of the karmas are reflected instantly in our lives, all you need to do is to calm yourself down and reflect things from both sides - cause and effect, it is not difficult to find that there's only one thin line between heaven and hell.

True love can transform your spirituality, hence it's not because you were blinded by love when you were deeply in love with someone, in fact, at that moment both of you have let down the selfishness and prejudice in you. Because both of you are deeply in love with each other, that's why you wouldn't want to become a burden for the other. You would use every possible way to make your significant other happy, you want him/her to feel the sacrifices that you have made, and you want their genuine appreciation. When one is drown in the sea of love, one would figure a thousand ways to make the significant other happy, sacrificing and contributing for love are done unconsciously. When one is in love, one's shortcomings would disappear into thin air, as the perfect and loving you is your true self.

This is why one looks best when they are in love, because when there's love, everything in life becomes cheerful, even sunset looks as romantic as it has ever been.

But once love has gone bad, everything would look negative, because when you have spent more time with someone, you would feel like you have already possessed the person. Since then your love would become possession, there's when all the jealousy, doubt and fuss come and that is when love becomes burden. The sacrifices that you have made out of love in the past have all become gains and losses that you would nitpick now.

For now you would say: "You put up such great show back then, now you're entirely a different person". In fact, you have got it wrong! It is the possessiveness in us that exposed our dark side and thus destroyed the intrinsic quality of love.

Therefore you must know how to let your soul maneuver your desires. Man can posses desires, enjoy desires, but never ever be strongly attached to desires.

Does he love me as I do? Would his love for me change in time? How long are we destined to be together? Why do you bother all these nonsensical concerns! Live in the moment and enjoy the pleasure that love brings, as you keep this thought intact, love would last longer than you've imagine! The only thing you should do is to never stop giving and sacrificing, then love would always be there with you, because you are the source of happiness yourself, you bring happiness into your life.

To WOMEN - A man who truly loves you, will never let you go no matter how hard the situation is.

To MEN - A women who truly loves you, will be angry at you for so many things but will never leave you.

The soul was sent upon the world to be transformed. Soul transformation is not restricted within obstacles and misery in life, instead, you would want your soul to be transformed by seeing love through misery and with love you would be able to face all the miseries in life. Till then you would realize the soul was sent upon the world was not only to achieve as God or deities, instead it was sent to seek spread the meaning of true love into every corner of the world.

Don't misunderstood God, He's only your supervisor.

From the moment you're born, your lifetime autobiography has been all laid out. But here's a reminder, this autobiography is written by you, it is neither the God nor Lord, because only you yourself know what subject you have failed, hence remaining at the cycle of birth and death - repeating and reseating the subject until you have accomplished all the credit hours to graduate from the human realm. Once again, I have to let you know that only Man can draft and plan for their autobiography, if your spirituality is too weak and you were demoted to the animal realm, hungry ghost realm or hell realm, you can't even stand a chance to write your autobiography as you are not qualified to do so.

In reality, one's destiny is made up of the soul's needs; God only exists to supervise you. Once you have determined to make a change in life your destiny would change as well. For instance, Beethoven was contracted with a disease which caused deafness throughout his whole life, his soul opted for a life to live with deafness and however he was not discouraged with the fact and fought to become a prestigious musician. There's no doubt to why he is known as the Father of Music.

When you have a problem, just look up. God is always there for you. All you have to do is stay calm and ask. You may receive!

We worship God because of his intelligence; we respect Him because he is benevolent and loving, it is not because we want Him to change our destinies or lives and certainly not deciding our lives.

We want to learn and defy our soul from the desires that the body brings and to break away from the 'attachment'. The 'attachment' of grasping on fame and wealth, power and status, sexual desires, children, affection and also religions belief. Why would you do so?

Your attachment with all these things is going to fade away when you die, you can't bring along a single thing when you've passed away. Only then you would come to realize that the happiness that you have been seeking for your entire life isn't the true self, you have been sacrificing so much for your physical body but you have never did anything good to your soul. At that moment, the only thing that God can do is to see your deteriorate. Because understanding God's word and transforming your soul are entirely two different things.

I've seen a lot of people worshipping God devotedly, but devotion also means begging; begging God to be compassionate to them and bring them all the happiness in the world. Sometimes, God doesn't change your situation because He's trying to change your "Heart". However, the God and deities who are the highest realm are different, they are benevolent - benevolence is giving and spreading love to others.

The real religion is when one is able to perceive religion from devotion to benevolence. Because religion teaches man to develop from humane to divine, transforming your self-devotion to your benevolence towards the society.

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