Saturday 26 November 2016

How to Cultivate Your Spirituality at the Same Time While Enjoying Life to the Fullest?

The answer is impartiality. Before I tell you the truth of life, to be honest, impartiality is easier to say than done.

Previously I've been saying to live with your soul and now everyone would be in confusion since all the happiness in life seems to be an illusion and in the end we would lose everything, so isn't it meaningless to live a life?

There are quite a number of people who perceive life in this way hence they would rather be beggar or tramp that can't wait for their dying day to come.

Don't underestimate those tramps or beggars, some are truly cultivated until they have reached the extent of not paying a single attention to their appearance, life or death, fame and wealth, gain and loss, good and bad, sexual desires and authority, all these can't stop them from living a true life.

However, these tramps or beggars only care for themselves but not others, thus the most they can achieve is to be an Arahant in the Theravada, this is very different from the deities of Mahayana that care for both themselves and others. In the future when you  have the opportunity to know more about Buddhism, you can slowly find out what are all these.

There are two types of people who would go deranged while cultivating themselves, first are those who are attached to the teachings. Teachings are merely guides that lead you to the right path, when you have truly realized life, you're supposed to abandon those teachings.

Cultivation is not supposed to bring you into another attachment.

Secondly are those who are overly indulged in their lives, not only do they waste their life by leading a negative lifestyle, but also misunderstood the true essence of life.

If you can view everything regardless fortunes or misfortunes in life with an impartial heart, this means that you have possessed adequate amount of determination and wisdom to face everything in life. There's nothing bad that can waver your feelings and determination and nothing good can carry your feelings and determination away.

The living Buddha Ji Gong says: 'Alcohol and meat steam by the intestine, but Buddha remains in my heart'. If that's the case, isn't Ji Gong breaking the rules? Let me redress the injustice for Ji Gong, this doesn't actually mean Ji Gong enjoys meat and alcohol but what he wants to convey is he never let the desires of food to trouble him. He eats what he has because the difference doesn't exist to him, hence everything that is given to him is the best cuisine and he doesn't bother differentiating whether it's alcohol or water, meat or vegetables. You are the one who is differentiating!

This is like seeing a lion devouring a goat, you would probably think that the lion is extremely cruel as it tears every bits and parts of the goat's body into unintelligible pieces, but if you would view from the lion's perspective, all it did was to survive because it is born as a carnivore, you can't ask them to eat plants instead, can we?

However, if the lion kills the snake that you have always despised, would you think that it is cruel? I doubt so.

If you loathe at the sight of mouse, so you bought a cat to help you eradicate them. When your cat kills a mouse, you would be praising how great and obedient the cat is, however of the cat accidentally killed your pet hamster, you would have a whole different perception to it.

Therefore, if your mentality of differentiation is so great, how can you view things with impartiality?

This is why religion set rules and commandments in order to cultivate you with knowledge and determination. Once you have achieved the same level of spirituality as Ji Gong, you have completely achieved the ability to view things impartially.

Impartiality is enthusiastic and positive, it signifies - to enjoy the joy of life and to possess true happiness.

Nevertheless we're still human, we know that the spirit is sent upon the earth to transform its spirituality, even though at the end of the day we would end up with nothing, the process of our lives are the most precious ones.

In other words, this also means that we can still enjoy building relationships, earning money and gaining power and authority, however you must face all the gains and losses that these people and things would bring with an impartial heart.

When love comes to you, go ahead and enjoy every single moment of being cherished and loved, but when it leaves, move on and accept the things to which fate binds you.

Enjoy the satisfaction that it brings when you're capable of earning money to satisfy you and your family needs, but when you're no longer capable, move on and accept the things to which fate binds you.

Enjoy the power and authority that you've worked so hard to acquire, but when you've lost those powers, move on and accept things to which fate binds you.

Impartiality is to truly enjoy when you possess and to truly let go when you lost.

Majority of people find it hard to practice impartiality because they have the wrong idea about the true meaning of letting go. Letting go doesn't mean giving up everything, but it means to let go of your attachment. However people who try to let go ends up being attached to letting go.

Those who are afraid to commit themselves into religions make up excuses by saying, 'It's not the time for me to cultivate yet.' People make up all these excuses because they have mistaken the true meaning of why rules and commandments are made by all religions. They perceive that at the instant moment where they start believing, sex and lust would become sin and enjoyment would become an indulgence hence they always avoid from being committed.

Let me share this with you. There are various ways to self-cultivate as there are so many temptations in life that can serve as a tool for you to correct your greediness. Rules and commandments are made do thrust aside your attachment and to cultivate your impartiality.

For instance, you can go ahead and pursue wealth, but if you're saddened with the fact that you couldn't earn the desirable amount of money that you've always wanted after putting a lot of effort, this is known as attachment.

You can have the wants to possess a person or some things, but if you've reached the extent where you think you can't live without possessing that particular person or thing or if it brings you terrible pain when they are gone, then this is attachment.

To be frank, fame, wealth, power and sex are nothing bad, these are not wrongful acts and they are definitely not sins.

Feeling sinful is stemmed from your attachment and wrongful acts are created from your greed.

You have let the desires of your false self to take control over your soul and forgotten that gains and losses are the nature of living. This is just like complaining why bitter gourd is bitter, don't forget, the name itself has already shown. Being bitter is the nature of the bitter gourd.

When you are extremely attached to certain things, the false self would appear and your would would become the slave of desires and the prisoner/sinner that is imprisoned by the body.

It is not fame and wealth that deprave you, it is not sex that tempts you, it is not love that makes you go crazy and it is not desires that make you go through all these pains.

Precisely! All your pains are stemmed from your attachment.

Back then, you're attached because you don't have knowledge of the universal truth of life and you have yet to found your true self; today I've told you everything and broke the life code, if you still insist to attach the sorrows that the false self gives you, I'm sorry because I don't know any other methods that can release your soul from being imprisoned in the body.

Nowadays more and more people are suffering from depression. Majority of my friends who are suffering from depression are mostly wealthy, because they possess too much, when they lose they naturally feel the pain of being detached from what they used to have.

I have a close friend who was being cheated for an amount of over thirty million dollars yet today he still can't move on and accept the fact. If he didn't possess so much money, he wouldn't have to bear this great amount of loss. Today, if he is less wealthy, if he was only being cheated for an amount of thirty thousand dollars, I'm certain he would have already moved on and accepted the fact.

Try to take another viewpoint, some who are not even capable of earning wished to be cheated for over thirty million dollars.

In this lifetime if there's a chance for me to experience how it feels like to be cheated, I'd be glad to have this kind of experience, after all not everyone has the chance to experience this and all fortunes and misfortunes are blessings!

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